2014年12月24日 星期三

另一年,另一個颱風 我們拒絕接受這樣的生活方式






在我們對抗氣候變遷帶來的衝擊同時,世界各國也正在秘魯首都利馬,參加最後一回合的聯合國氣候會談。令人驚訝的是,談判代表們釋出的新氣候草案中直接點名化石業者。根據《全球財經精粹》(Financial Times) 報導,該協議將迫使埃克森 (Exxon)、雪佛龍 (Chevron)等公司「不得再以當前型態繼續經營」。

而化石業者也已開始反擊。不同於世界衛生組織 (World Health Organization) 禁止菸草代表參與菸草管制會談;聯合國氣候變遷會談並沒有此項規定,使其免受化石產業之干預。他們的遊說代表極力削弱該協議 —— 同時剝奪提供給菲律賓等地區的保護措施。


在秘魯,全球的環保人士正與氣候會談裡的化石爪牙們對抗著。他們在一場反撤資活動的會場外頭抗議,而該活動的講者包含殼牌 (Shell) 及世界煤炭協會 (World Coal Association) 的代表。



如哈格比、海燕等颱風,在在都提醒著我們:氣候變遷並不僅僅關乎環境,更是關乎正義。全世界最脆弱的民眾 —— 最不需為氣候變遷負責的民眾 —— 卻也是身受其害最早最深的民眾。這就是我們挺身而出的原因,不只為了氣候行動,更為氣候正義而戰。




Another year, another storm

We refuse to accept this as a way of life

Dear Friends,

I’m writing from the Philippines, where Typhoon Hagupit has forced over a million people into emergency shelters and taken more than 20 lives. This storm comes just one year after Typhoon Haiyan cost over 7,000 lives and caused nearly incalculable damage.  

If climate change is left unchecked, warmer oceans and higher sea levels will make typhoons ever more frequent and intense. Together, we are refusing to accept a future where deadly storms become a way of life.

As we confront the impacts of climate change, world governments are at the latest round of United Nations Climate Talks in Lima, Peru. Amazingly, negotiators released a new draft climate text that goes directly after the fossil fuel industry. According to the Financial Times, the agreement would force companies like Exxon and Chevron to “cease to exist in their current forms.”

Already, the fossil fuel industry is fighting back. Unlike the World Health Organization, which bans tobacco lobbyists from tobacco control talks, the UN climate talks have no such protections against the fossil fuel industry. Their lobbyists are fighting hard to weaken the agreement -- and take away protections for communities in places like the Philippines.

In the face of the latest climate disaster in the Philippines, allowing the fossil fuel industry to put a corporate stranglehold on the climate talks is unacceptable. It’s time to kick big polluters out and make the climate talks fossil free:

In Peru, global activists have directly confronted fossil fuel influence at the climate talks, protesting outside of an anti-divestment event with speakers from Shell and the World Coal Association.

And that’s just one way we’re putting heat on the industry: the record-setting People’s Climate March, the rapidly spreading fossil fuel divestment movement, and countless fights for climate action around the world have all helped create a new sense of momentum for climate action.

We are a strong and resilient people here in The Philippines, and with everyone’s help we will regain strength and claim justice for our loved ones. We are not calling for sympathy, much less pity. We are calling for action from governments and solidarity from people around the world.

Storms like Hagupit and Haiyan remind us that climate change is about far more than the environment. It’s about justice. The world’s most vulnerable people -- the ones that did the least to cause climate change -- are the ones that will feel its impacts first and worst. This is why it is so important that we fight, not just for climate action, but for climate justice.

Zeph for 350.org

P.S. Please consider donating to the ongoing relief efforts in the Philippines. One year after Typhoon Haiyan 15,000 people were still living in tent cities trying to rebuild. Now Hagupit has caused another wave of destruction and another setback for people trying to rebuild their lives. Your donation will be directed to where it is most needed in the rebuilding effort.http://350.org/haiyan-donations/

